EarRelevant Staff | 28 MAR 2020
We offer here a current list of some COVID-19 relief funds and resources for musicians and other artists. This is not an exhaustive list. There are other organizations in specific US states and in other countries, but we have tried to assemble a pragmatic list of 20 relief and resource programs among those that operate nationwide in the United States.
- Actors Fund Entertainment Assistance Program – Any performing arts or entertainment professional may call on the program for support, information or referrals to community agencies.
- AGMA Relief Fund – For members of american Guild of Musical artists
- Art Became the Oxygen: An Artistic Response Guide – US Department of Arts and Culture (USDAC). A guide for artists, emergency management agencies, funders, policy-makers, and communities responding to natural and civil emergencies
- Backline.care onnects music industry professionals and their families with a netwtrk of mental health and wellness providers.
- The Blues Foundation HART Fund – Handy Artists Relief Trust (HART) Fund for Blues musicians and their families in financial need due to a broad range of health concerns: acute, chronic and preventive medical and dental care as well as funeral and burial expenses.
- CERF+ – currently focusing emergency relief grants related to Covid-19 on those infected with the virus who require intensive medical care.
- Common Field’s COVID-19 Resources for the Artist Organization Field – A list for arts organizers: resources, ideas and information surrounding best practices during pandemics and other emergencies.
- COVID-19 Freelance Artist Resource – A list specifically designed to serve freelance artists, and those interested in supporting the independent artist community.
- Equal Sound Corona Relief Fund – provides direct financial assistance to musicians who have lost work as a result of Corona-related event cancellations.
- Folk Alliance – A list of resources and assistance funds for musicians during the COVOD-19 pandemic. Frequent updates.
- Freelance COVID-19 Emergency Fund – Mission of making creativity sustainable includes supporting freelancers in uncertain and unprecedented times.
- The Haven Foundation – Mission is to offer interim financial assistance to freelance professionals in the arts, within the United States, who face crises. Awards are granted to help individuals overcome temporary adversity and return to full-time work.
- Jazz Foundation Musicians’ Emergency Fund – provides housing assistance, pro bono medical care, disaster relief and direct financial support in times of crisis.
- MusiCares – An organization of the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences (NARAS) dedicated to musicians’ physical health and mental wellness, is currently managing a COVID-19 relief fund for musicians.
Help support EarRelevant’s continuing work during the COVIID-19 pandemic with your kind contribution though GoFundMe.
- Music Health Alliance – serves all persons in the entertainment business nationwide in all genres of music who need assistance with medical bills or health guidance such as finding doctors or prescription medicine, finding financial grants while recovering from a serious health issue, affordable health insurance, or answers to Medicare questions.
- Musicians Foundation – Aid grants in the form of vendorized checks paid to the biller of the costs incurred by the musician, not directly to musicians.
- Music Maker Relief Foundation – created to preserve the musical traditions of the South by directly supporting the musicians who make it, ensuring their voices will not be silenced by poverty and time.
- National Coalition for Arts’ Preparedness & Emergency Response – Offers resources for arts organizations and artists.
- New Music Solidarity Find – Offers $500 emergency grants to performers of music by living composers impacted by COVID-19 cancelations.
- Supporting Artists with Families in Our COVID-19 Plans | PAAL – Parent Artist Advocacy League (PAAL)
- Sweet Relief Musicians Fund – COVID-19 relief fund and resources.